Monday, September 3, 2012

Stale-while-revalidate support back in ATS!

The kind people over at OHSU graciously sponsored the creation of an RFC 5861 plugin for Apache Traffic Server. I was lucky enough to get to write it. This is not the first stale-while-revalidate plugin for ATS, but the original did not work with ATS 3.x anymore. In addition, the new version also supports the stale-if-error portion of the RFC.

It's currently in the experimental directory, and I invite you to test it out and provide some feedback. It's currently being used in production in a few places but we'd like to hear a few more success stories before it gets moved to the stable plugin directory.


  1. Hi Phil.

    Are you going to implement both stale-if-error and stale-while-revalidate or only the last one?

